Larissa Razborstsikova

Larissa Razborstsikovaphilologist, teacher of Russian language and literature. Montessori teacher, specials teacher. 25 years of working experience as a teacher.

Director of Montessori School in Tallinn.( 8 years)

1988-1993 –  studied in State University of Tartu.

1995-1999 – studied in Pedagogical University of Tallinn.

1990-2010 – worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature.

In 2000 - began practicing Montessori Pedagogy. I took courses of Montessori Pedagogy from Jelena Vladimirovna Hiltunen.

In 2007 - completed the advanced training courses and received the certificate from     International Academy of Development Rehabilitation in Munich/Germany. «Montessori Pedagogy Level 1. Preschool Pedagogy».

In 2014 -  completed additional advanced training courses «The basic approaches to the organization of work of children with teaching materials for speech and mathematical thinking development within the concept of Montessori Pedagogy» . Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education.    Russian State Herzen Pedagogical Institute.

From 2006 – director of Montessori Children’s Center. (From 2012 – director of International Montessori School).                                                                                                                                            I give Montessori lessons to children aged between 8 months and 3 years,  and between 3 and  7 years.

Every year I attend Montessori conferences, advanced training courses on Montessori Pedagogy and visit Montessori kindergartens and schools in other countries.

My goal – to make changes to the traditional pedagogy in order for education to become a tool for development of latent abilities of the children because the child’s mind is capable of absorbing the knowledge. Such absorbing form of mind transforms a  child into an adult and adapts the child to any social system, climate or country. To develop the child’s independent thinking, willpower, concentration and perseverance.

Other related goals: to help the parents with successful child development.

My hobby: to create such Montessori materials that will not only be very interesting to a child, but that will also make a child want to learn more about the subject and become interested in further development of the topic through both personal experience and selection of such materials.

My interests: healthy nutrition, classical music, spiritual development.

I like cycling and flying over the sea with a parachute, traveling, visiting other Montessori children’s centers overseas, meeting interesting people.