Irina Tuhkru

Irina Tuhkru - psychologist (Saint Petersburg State University 2001) , teacher (State Leningrad Herzen Pedagogical Institute 1981), psychotherapist (Institute of Gestalt Therapy in Denmark 1998).

Chairman of Society of Gestalt Therapy in Tallinn, Director of «Kamerton» center in Tallinn, project manager and psychologist. Specialty: psychological consulting, psychotherapy, teaching. More than  30 years of working experience.

Professional education: Gestalt therapy,  transactional analysis,  existential therapy, systemic family therapy, neurolinguistic programming,  systemic arrangements, sand therapy, art therapy, body therapy.

 Collaboration with educational centers:

Pedagogical University of Tallinn,  «Intellect»,   Kersti Volu’s Educational Center.


  • «Girls and boys – two different worlds»
  • «Children’s behavior problems at home and school»
  • «Children’s bad habits»
  • «How to teach the child to be competent and skilled»
  • «Useful social skills for children»
  • «How to teach the children to make friends» 

 Groups for parents, topics:

  • Characteristics of child development
  • Communication with the child is the basis of development
  • Family’s influence on the child’s development, the role of the father and mother in shaping the future character.
  • Do we understand our children?
  • Techniques of making contact with a child when he’s acting hysterical.
  • How to help your child to solve own problems.
  • How to survive the school years?
  • Children’s study achievements, how to achieve and maintain them  
  • How to teach conflict solving skills.
  • Handover of responsibility for the child's life to a child.
  • How to solve specific situations in life.

Correctional help:

  • Sand therapy.
  • Game therapy.   Correction of children’s behavior.  Correction of child development.
  • Help to mentally retarded children.